
Southeast Asia food memory, apps & books

Sharing southeast Asia food memory, apps & books. I had taken photo’s between stages of cooking and edited with Picsart smartphone app. In the spur of the moment, I shared it with Google Communities and what better compliment to receive responses from fellow foodies and ‘locals’ :-).

Fish head curry

Sometimes you just need your butt kicked to get going, the intention of planning to do isn’t going to cut it but the action does. Chinese New Year was the opening to start downloading photo’s from my smartphone or better said upload them and start pecking on my keyboard to post images with information or other random food for thought. I had created a while ago Asianfoodtrail Google+ page and never finished the details to go live, but cooking home cooked comfort food just did the trick to get inspired with a mouth full of flavour to boost things up.

Over the years I have accumulated favourite recipes clippings taken from magazines and as an avid reader, collected old and new cookery hardcover or digital books. Saved on my smartphone or Kobo e-reader, have a look here at the affiliate ad below for gift ideas and/or inspiration to cook up a storm. Please be advised the following ad is an affiliate link promotion, read the full disclaimer & disclosure in the left sidebar or here.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Last week I stumbled on to a fresh market with local fish stalls in Leiden, The Netherlands. As a fish, nation devouring famous raw ‘herring’ nothing special, but big codfish heads definitely are far from being called speciality.

Too bad, but lucky for us asked the fish monger for the largest pieces with one dish only in my mind. Hoping to duplicate the flavour explosion I experienced in Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia and at Muthu’s on Racecourse Road Singapore. You might have guessed the very well known “Fish head curry”. Surprised the family with this wonderful dish, a little south-east Asian feast on a Dutch winter’s dinner table. Visit Google+ Asianfoodtrail and share your favourite south-east asian comfort foods or other food memories. The gift of giving is sharing the good thing together.

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Fav Android mobile photo apps

My Apps (1) – Lets not kid ourselves our society has been transformed the moment mobiles entered our life-style and made slowly but surely changes especially games, mobile applications and widgets. The possibilities in here has avalanched the way we read and made influential changes how we spend our time according to latest researches. I will not dive into scientific areas or technical description far from it even, for me as end-user I am only interested in convenient and efficient.

Simply said, are apps & widgets easy to operate and handy. Do they deliver any time and anywhere access, supporting tasks and retrieve latest updates. As social media fan and enthusiastic user, who loves to find out best practices with nifty gadgets and/or apps. I retrieve and exchange answers also from user groups, twitter feeds with search #hashtag for advice on the why’s, dont’s, do’s or just what is fun.

Since there are so many and only frequent usage will reveal whether it serves it purpose or not and I have my favourite free Android mobile apps. This is the first post of a series featuring “My Apps” list in categories starting with visual apps.

  • Instagram – Iphone most talked and raved application, now acquired by Facebook because it was the first photo-sharing experience on mobile phones! I installed the android version right on my Samsung S3 because it’s connected with other social media applications. For Iphone & Android users have a look at post mentioning other apps for even more possibilities and effects by Mashable Tech 10 Photo apps that enhance Instagram Tumblr post Instagram Apps unofficial catalog of cool apps or Lifehacker Five better alternatives for Android No need to explain why it turned immensely popular, it was fun to play and connect with friends and groups but I wanted more photo Fx (effects).
  • PicsArt Android – Now we’re talking this is a complete photo editing tool and super easy to use, once you start playing around with its features your hooked! I’ve downloaded this app also on my Samsung Tablet P1000 and if you like Photoshop this comes quite near.
  • Streamzoo  Android – After Picsart this is my second best favourite because of its thriving community, members are prompt to tag their photo’s with hashtag as in Twitter, which makes it easier to follow and to find both people and interests. Since I’m a of Foursquare fan too I like the game reward element collecting points and badges. Photo’s I uploaded were instantly picked out and liked, sharing is also appreciating efforts of others so yes this app is a keeper.
  • Photo Grid Android – I’ve just recently added this and signed up for Beta-version testing, I like it as an addition to PicsArt making photo collages, single photo’s can be powerful but at times a collage can be as entertaining to want to see more.
  • Add watermark – Android I downloaded this after positive referral, easy to set-up and use. Sign your pictures with text or logo as protection for your digital and intellectual property, but also serve to advertise your company, website or other information at the same time.
  • Daily Mugshot Android – Is a fun app to take daily photo’s and upload instantly, some users have found an entertaining way to change their snaps by altering head wear, color lipsticks or just yourself as you. The only thing is I keep forgetting to take snapshots so I have one with big gaps but still fun when quickly flipped through to notice changes as an old film/cartoonbook.
There is so much more and available that actually having all these choices it just makes it harder and you may not like my choices, perhaps this post Top 20 Android Photography apps will enlighten you with more options of photo effects.

Android photo apps