
Where would we be without the Web?

world wide web
Do you remember the world without the Web? Well…yah! without digital “cut, copy, paste” writing copies was the only way to multiply text apart from printing but even that you had to do by hand. If you had to look something up, you had to wrestle through encyclopaedia’s to find information, which was not a guarantee for an answer or resolution and a time consuming process.

The digital world in terms of social media has not only widen the possibilities but improved and boosted maintaining global contact, networks up-to-date, collaborating on projects over distance. The Web is what the younger ones of the last two decades can not even phantom to be without, the net has fully ingrained itself in our life.

Happy birthday, World Wide Web! On 25th anniversary, inventor calls for action to ensure freedom online

Last week internet was flooded with articles marking the World Wide Web 25th Anniversary and its inventor calling for a communal decision to protect the web and its users.

“As the world marks the 25th anniversary of the World Wide Web today, its inventor is calling on more people to take action this year to keep the online resource open, global, accessible and free of censorship.

British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who first proposed the Web in March 1989, said in a statement today: “If we want a Web that is truly for everyone, then everyone must play a role in shaping its next 25 years.”  Opening paragraph in the South China Morning Post read the full article by clicking the highlighted title link above.

BBC News mentioned calling for a ‘Magna Carta’ bill of rights to protect its users, click on the links for redirection for article and transcript of his speech before the Knight Foundation igniting the world wide web discussion.

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Freedom of Speech is a worthy cause and needs our;

Attention, Care, Support and Safeguard the same counts for protecting the Web   “A free and open world depends on a free and open web”

How about you, any thoughts?