
My cook book recommendation: Asian Tofu

Asian Tofu: Discover the Best, Make Your Own, and Cook It at Home

Andrea Nguyen has written a comprehensive guide on how to make tofu based on extensive research throughout south-east Asian region, she has an informative and entertaining writing style, with valuable tips, insights and facts. Most importantly the step-by-step image and written instructions on tofu tutorial, clearly outlines techniques and guides through making many other varieties with easy cooking recipes to prepare dishes.

She describes how tofu has become a star ingredient in the West from alternative to mainstream and how popular it has become today. Tofu is a versatile ingredient a known staple food in the Far East, it has taken the West by storm recognized for its nutritional value and adaptable uses in any cooking style.

I have been making fresh homemade soy milk for many years now and one thing led to another, now with Andrea’s advice I hope to add making homemade silken tofu in my next attempts. I truly can recommend Andrea Nguyen, Asian Tofu book to discover, make, cook and eat to your heart’s delight.