
Designers Inbetween Documentary

Yesterday I received mail message with updates of new Twitter followers and as usual I look at their bio. To learn what their background is and what passion moves them to search, share and interact with their audience or peers.

On my Twitter feed @De_Inbetween follows you: The journey of passionate designers who turn their dream into a Startup in Hong Kong  An inspirational description which made me reach out and respond by sending a reply tweet. They send me a DM asking whether I would join them in support, I complied by sharing their crowd funded Kickstarter project here on my blog.

Jonathan Ramalho and Oliver Lehtonen, two exchange students who became enthralled with HongKong entrepreunerial spirt and started this documentary. For this story they interviewed influential creatives who’ve profoundly have impacted the industry. The documentary also uncovers how the industry in Hong Kong contrasts from the West and the rest of Asia. Exploring exciting untold stories of what it is like for a Westerner to do business with factory owners in China. Business deals are built around lunch and written on napkins rather than lawyers and contracts. Read more here.

@De_Inbetween Thanks for the follow your bio very inspirational, worth to follow & spread the love.  Passion and dreams make them come true!!

After all ‘Passion’ is the keyword to all secrets and successes journeys. Their website homepage announced that they have gone live, the documentary premieres on 5th of December in Hong Kong.

Congratulations!! ♥  

Motivation Monday put action into reality

Pay it Forward!! That’s my motto to start the week; I Care and I Love to Share.

Igniting #motivationmonday, sharing what moves my juice, what drives my passion and what puts my actions into reality. How about you? I invite and dare you to share your daily quote, motivational thought into action. Paying it forward, sharing action into reality.

By Paying it Forward we all can make a difference with ease without hard labour or over thinking thoughts, simple random acts of kindness can brighten up someone’s day or motivate into action. Keep following steps in mind;

  1. Be attentive opportunities are everywhere, look around and notice what surrounds you.
  2. Random act of kindness doesn’t hurt anyone and goes a long way.
  3. Spread the word; “Sharing is Caring”.
  4. Multiply a good deed, practice the act of kindness by doubling, tripling or quadrupling an action or effort.

What I like and recommend for this #mondaymotivation is Suspended Coffee.  Suspended coffees is a cup of coffee paid for in advance by a willing coffee shop customer as an anonymous act of charity for anyone who is in need and with less fortune.

The idea originated in Naples, Italy around 100 years ago. Customers of coffee shops would pay twice for one espresso, instructing the barista to log the paid but untaken beverage in an “in suspense” chart (caffè pagato or a caffè sospeso). The barista would record what the patron paid for, such as an espresso, cappuccino or even a pastry. Paid items would remain in the log book until someone less fortunate would come and inquire if there was anything paid for or in suspense. The barista would check the log and say: “Yes, there is a paid cappuccino. May I serve it to you?” The beauty of this form of charity was multifaceted.

