Raspberry & Strawberry Daiquiri
Cocktail Time!! Timing just about right, needed a drink and with two punnet’s of fresh strawberries it can’t go wrong right…. (sigh) No ice! ;-(
So I was about to bring everything back to its place, when my daughter asked whether I had a stash of frozen fruits in the freezer. Besides cocktails our house likes smoothies, baking and so on, so I always stock on one or two fruit bags on hand. Yowzhaa!!
With the blender going full on I suddenly had a pitcher instead of two servings, but the colour red is attractive to everyone. By the time I walked into the living room to retrieve glasses everyone wanted to have one too, sold! How to make the cocktail as shown, the Berry & Berry Daiquiri mix is in the recipe box here below.
But I do have a handicap when it comes to cocktail making, meaning I can’t make single servings it is mostly two or actually four glasses. It all started years back when I wanted to remake one of my very first then favourite cocktail ‘the grasshopper’, equipped with the ingredients and virgin bottles to open and mix I tried to discover the ultimate ‘cocktail’ recipes. Hard lesson here with ‘sweet’ cocktails if you drink too much or make it too sweet it will be a slap in the face instead.
But like any recipe you need to have measurements and equipment, early days I had none or not much so I used the nearest (even that was way off, either too small, too much and incorrect) look-a-like tools. Trouble, trouble, wavering between endless possibilities the first mixes were none worthy but feeling happier I got bolder in blending tastes and a dash here, combined with an oops there it was bound for a misadventure.
Although at the end of the experiment I believed it certainly tasted better, the morning after I had a painful coconut song clanging between my ears. Figured that it wasn’t the brightest idea to work without good equipment, so over the years I assembled the Bartender tools and equipments list;
- Bar Spoon
- Bar Towels
- Bartender Book
- Blender
- Bottle Opener
- Can Opener or Can Punch
- Champagne or Wine Stopper
- Citrus Zester / Stripper
- Cocktail Muddler
- Cocktail Shaker
- Cocktail Strainer
- Corkscrew / Wine Opener
- Ice Bucket and Ice Tongs
- Jigger / Measurer
- Juicer or Citrus Reamer
- Knife and Cutting Board
- Measuring Cups and Measuring Spoons
- Shoes
- Speed Pourers
At a certain moment I did had almost everything, but now it has reduced to the most important items for me, which I regard as an absolute must; the blender, cocktail muddler (for my favourite caipirinha’s & mojito’s), shaker and jiggers and a highly valued ice-crusher which is not listed.
The only pre-mix I have often ready is sugar syrup, this pre-mix has many purposes in my kitchen and drinks. After my first very failed mix attempts the jiggers (measuring cups) were indeed the very first items I purchased after a good Cocktail Shaker, you’ll get it when you think you shake the mix but actually splashing and spilling.
Actually I just like mixes and blends, making more is meant for sharing which makes it only more enjoyable. Let’s blend, crush and pour some more with warm, sunny days laying ahead of us, if you like cocktails join me to start mixing with more cocktails coming up!
Berry & Berry Daiquiri
You will find the ingredients and recipe are here below.