
#hashtag Let’s do it #rightnow


What are hashtags?

According to Urban DictionaryIf you have been on Twitter, you may have seen a “hashtag.” To put it simply, a hashtag is simply a way for people to search for tweets that have a common topic and to begin a conversation. For example, if you search on #LOST (or #Lost or #lost because it’s not case-sensitive), you’ll get a list of tweets related to the TV show. What you won’t get are tweets that say “I lost my wallet yesterday” because “lost” isn’t preceded by the hashtag.

hash tag is a word or grouped (an unspaced) phrase prefixed with the hash symbol (“#“). These tagged words, phrases are used on social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram) for social networking and appear in sentences or messages as e.g. @Asianfoodtrail #Live #Travel #Food #andmuchmore).

Using the hashtag

Use this symbol “#” makes it easier to filter out messages with the same topic on one specific medium, it does not interchange with other platforms nor does it links to graphics. It is, however, a fun and effective way to highlight topics of daily events and news, aggregating and creating conversations. On Instagram platform it is an absolute must to use #hashtags with a maximum of 30#tags, believe it on average they receive => 3 times as many likes compared to users who only use a few tags instead. Thus proving a very strong correlation between tags and likes.

As a rule of thumb, always search for the “hashtag” you plan on using before you ever use it. You do NOT want to be confronted with a social media disaster to be made painfully aware that a hashtag is hijacked or harmful. Above all avoid overusing the “#” in all your social media messages as made very clear in the video of Tonight Show “#Hashtag” episode with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake.

#hashtag correctly

Achieve better results with social media by following hashtag etiquette, Hashtags.org has published an overview titled “Etiquette” with a summary of how-to articles explaining hashtags and use in social networking and platforms. Andrew Harasewych owner of Socialize Me has written a “Hashtag how-to guide with infographics“, how to simply remember this guide, be prepared, and #hashtag with confidence. #HaveFun 🙂

Share the #hashtag love
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